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  Shanghai Shi Lan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional LED electronic display products manufacturing company; and in other areas of operation has successfully opened up a number of businesses. At present, the whole company is booming.
  Company philosophy: "Today's quality, tomorrow's market." The company established the "credibility of technology from the pilot and quality assurance" concept, in-depth staff. And the implementation of long-term management to ensure that the company's products and construction quality in the eyes of customers trust index rising.
  Company management team pioneering and innovative, with a high level of scientific research team, excellent sales staff and professional production lines, based on LED electronic display technology applications continue to seek new breakthroughs, continued to develop a variety of applications. "Blue" multimedia inquiry machine and LED electronic display are widely used in the public service sectors such as finance, telecommunications, culture, education and health, and are favored by customers due to novel appearance and product features that meet the requirements of environmental protection.
  Company and a number of domestic research institutes, design institutes and powerful enterprises to establish alliances, committed to the computer network systems, management information systems, communications systems, information systems, office automation and intelligent building systems, intelligent community system development And application practice. The company has excellently completed a number of quality and influential model projects in Shanghai and all over the country and has been praised by relevant social departments and users.
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