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Blue Electronics | KOBA, Seoul, Korea

文章来源: 发布时间:2017-11-27 15:40 浏览次数:
The KOBA show was held for the first time in 1991 by the Korean Broadcasting Technology Federation and the Korean government.
As the only professional exhibition in Korea, KOBA was jointly organized by Korea Eandex and Korea Broadcasting Technology Federation and has become a world-class radio, audio, stage and lighting equipment exhibition.
The 28th Korea KOBA International Broadcasting Audio Equipment Exhibition was held in COEX Pavilion, Seoul from May 16 to May 19.
This year's event attracted 42,559 spectators to attend KOBA. 398 companies exhibited cutting-edge audio-visual products such as UHD, 4K, LED, etc., and LED display products hit a record high on the number of exhibitions.
Blue electronic debut KOBA
Blue Blue Electronics with excellent marketing team and product performance at the show attracted a large number of foreign customers.
Show popular king - interactive LED floor tile screen
Track people's motion with infrared and gravity sensing
Be able to follow the body's activities to show immediate picture effect
Blue Electronics has always attached importance to overseas promotion work, especially in Asian countries, the cooperative market. The feedback gained from the promotion of KOBA in Korea gives us confidence and motivation to continue our stride forward.
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