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(1) LED display of several major application scenarios devel

文章来源: 发布时间:2017-11-27 15:44 浏览次数:
LED display in outdoor advertising, stage rental and other traditional applications industries have been more mature, the product tends to be homogenized, lack of development potential. In order to open a new blue ocean market, expand the scope of LED display applications, many companies conducted a slight innovation to meet new applications.
Community media
CommunityMedia refers to a new type of media that is rooted in various medium and high-end communities and forms a networked layout. In recent years, with the maturity of technology and further price declines, LED display in the community media applications are also more and more.
Community LED display by the central platform software through 3G broadband wireless network simulcast, not only real-time rolling broadcast weather, urban emergency emergencies, public service ads, commercials, lifestyle services and other community life information, to provide convenience to residents, in order to build wisdom Safe community to provide strong protection. At the same time as a result of having the advantages of seamless coverage of high-quality groups, commercial communications and information services to become a kind of high-quality forms of communication, making it a new point of view LED outdoor network advertising screen.
In terms of advertising value, the community LED display is a communication platform for communities to provide information services. The project can cover the entrances and exits, traffic flows and traffic flows in urban communities. Promoting the content closely related to residents' life can attract the attention of community residents. Advertising read rate greatly improved. At the same time, community LED display has a high credibility, authority, public welfare media obvious advantages. With the exception of urban areas, LED displays are expected to be widely used in some richer rural areas with the government's "Beautiful Countryside," "New Countryside," and "Village Murata."
Gas stations from the media point of view, the gas station has a unique media advantage, first of all, gas stations covering a wide range of large-scale audience, and is in the process of growing. Survey data show that throughout the year to enter the Sinopec gas station of about 3.39 billion vehicles, according to an average of two people per vehicle calculation, the annual gas station audience reached 6.78 billion, or 18.575 million people per day; secondly, the main gas station Audiences are all car owners with relatively high average incomes. Gas stations are for adults and are the most mainstream consumer groups. In particular, consumer demand for automobiles, cosmetics, electronic products and financial insurance is especially strong, For these advertisers, gas station media has some marketing value; again, gas station media consumers have full media contact time and predictable ad arrival rates. According to the survey data, the average fueling frequency of the car owners is 4.6 days, and the average stay time at the gas station is 5.3 minutes. When the audience is refueled, they have enough time to contact the gas station media to ensure a high advertisement arrival rate and contact degree .
The Gas Station Media Network is the only national media network for car drivers and car owners, one of the richest in China. Through the LED screen to bring the upgrade, this influential media network will be able to meet the needs of advertisers and generate more economic value.
Hotel rental
From last year to this year, there is an obvious trend in the hotel industry. Now more and more companies open their own LED display at any meeting place, conference, thank-you conference, etc., and will give priority if there is any. Consider these venues; LED display because of the high cost of the general hotel venue rarely equipped, even if high-star hotel is only 10% of the hotel is equipped, so if the client conference to use LED screen are generally choose temporary installation of the rental. With the increasing use of LED display frequency, but also expect to get higher yields, if you can reduce the threshold, there will be more and more high-star hotel intends to install LED display in the store fixed.
In the LED display manufacturing companies here, there are already manufacturers in the hotel leasing to explore and promote. This mode is mainly to enter the four-star and five-star hotel, its display products are provided free to the hotel (for meetings and weddings use the scene, non-traditional advertising screen) quickly spread the market, through the screen fee is divided into (50 %) Return cash costs, cash costs can be recovered in about one year. Wait until the hotel reaches a certain level of time, will push through the pre-show advertising revenue and the hotel is divided into (mode similar to the cinema movie pre-patch ads),  rental and advertising operations. As can be seen, the hotel leasing business model has a profound Internet thinking mode, by transferring payments and cross-compensation, reduce user costs, and finally form a long tail effect to get huge traffic.
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